Summary of recent works of aerial photography with dron done by Vertical Landscapes.
Publiquem a la Revista de Obras Públicas
Avui publiquem a la Revista de Obras Públicas, que edita el Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de España, diverses [...]
Participació en el 15è aniversari de l’Observatori del Paisatge
En aquesta tercera col·laboració amb l'Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya hem publicat diverses fotografies a doble pàgina en el seu llibre [...]
Publiquem a la revista Sostenible, de la Diputació de Barcelona
Avui publiquem a la revista Sostenible, que edita la Diputació de Barcelona, una imatge aèria que vam fer per a SOS [...]
Paisatges Verticals, primera empresa de Girona autoritzada a volar en ciutat i en la proximitat d’aeroports
Paisatges Verticals®, primera i única empresa operadora de la demarcació de Girona, i una de les 12 de tota Catalunya, en obtenir [...]
Col·laboració regular amb immobiliària Lucas Fox
Des de fa unes setmanes tenim tancat un acord amb la gran empresa immobiliària Lucas Fox per a documentar amb el [...]
Publiquem a
Avui hem publicat diverses imatges aèries de l'abocador de Solius (Santa Cristina d'Aro, Baix Empordà) per a un article a La [...]
Participació en el llibre “Les comarques centrals”
Un cop més hem participat en un nou encàrrec de l'Observatori del Paisatge, el llibre "Catàleg del Paisatge - Les Comarques [...]
Apartaments turístics a Calella de Palafrugell
Ahir vam tornar a Calella de Palafrugell per realitzar algunes fotografies dels apartaments turístics Rocmar a vista de drone, en un [...]
Participation in the book “Paisatges de l’Aigua”
During the last weeks we have been preparing a collaboration of 14 aerial images for the edition of the book "Paisatges [...]
4 factors you should check before hiring an aerial photographer
When you decide to hire the services of a drone company to operate in Spanish territory you should pay attention to some [...]
Aerial images of the K-Line industrial warehouse
Hired by the advertising agency Jordi Borbón, we have been commissioned for the realization of drone images of the aluminum windows [...]
Collaboration with “SOS Costa Brava”
Today we start a collaboration with SOS Costa Brava, a group of associations born front the proliferation of buildings and urbanizations [...]
Shooting of ‘timelapse’ for International SOS Europe
The Swiss company International SOS Europe has organized its annual S&M Conference 2018, commissioning Vertical Landscapes graphic documentation of some of its activities. [...]
New ecommerce for our aerial photographs
Sometimes our clients ask us for photographs of our file, made previously, in order to access some image much faster and [...]
New aerial photo session for Plasticband
A year ago we made an aerial report for the packaging company Plasticband, in the Font del Ràdium Industrial Area in [...]
Aerial photographs and video for Camping-Caravaning Playa Brava
Realization of aerial photography and video for promotion of Camping-Caravaning Playa Brava , located on the beach of Pals (Costa Brava, Spain). [...]
Aerial photographs of a large rural estate for sale in Bages
By order of the company of lawyers specialized in urbanism Radresa Advocats, we have been doing in the region of Bages (Barcelona) [...]
Large format prints for real estate fair in Moscow
Our client Housing Costa Brava, for whom we have already done several photographic work with drone, recently attended at the Domexpo Moscow [...]
Photographs and video of a beautiful estate in Pla de l’Estany (Girona)
Realization of aerial photographs and video to promote the sale of Can Sistrach, a beautiful estate in Cornellà de Terri (Pla de [...]
Rural tourism Les Carolines
Two years ago we made an aerial report in the Les Carolines rural tourism houses, in Peratallada (Baix Empordà, Girona). Today [...]
Aerial images of Garraf (Barcelona)
Aerial report in different locations in the Garraf region (Barcelona) for Node Garraf, Agència de desenvolupament. For 4 days we have [...]
Aerial video for Fitor Forestal
Realization of a video about the recent works of Fitor Forestal in Bodegas Abadal, in Bages (Barcelona). This is the filming [...]
Real estate promotion in Peratallada (Baix Empordà)
Aerial photographs for the promotion of a recently parceled and urbanized estate by Residencial Peratallada in this municipality of Baix Empordà [...]
Grill-restaurant Chicken King
Aerial photographs of the restaurant and exteriors of the grill-restaurant Chicken King in Torrent (Baix Empordà, Girona).
Photographs of the Plasticband industrial warehouse
Making aerial photographs of Plasticband's facilities in the Font del Ràdium Industrial Area in Granollers (Barcelona).
Aerial observation work for the Faculty of Tourism of the UdG
Three days of collaboration with the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Girona and INSETUR, studying from the air the [...]
Aerial images for the Landscape Observatory
Aerial photographs of the mouth of the river Tordera and the lighthouse of Calella de la Costa (Maresme, Barcelona) for the [...]
Photographs of a house for sale in Vidreres
Aerial photography of a house for sale in Vidreres (La Selva, Girona) for Formes Modernes real estate.
Aerial photographic reports in S’Agaró and Sa Conca
Aerial photographic reports of the beaches and urbanizations of S'Agaró and Sa Conca (Costa Brava, Spain) for the real estate company [...]